2025 AGM
7.30pm Wednesday 19th February 2025
Committee roles – your club needs you
At the forthcoming AGM , we will be electing the new Committee and will be looking for volunteers to join and help run our Club.
Any member of the Club can be elected to join the Committee and you can put yourself forward for any role even if the current committee member has decided to continue. If you would like to put your name forward for a position on the Committee this needs to be done in writing (email is fine) prior to the AGM via Club Secretary, Dawn Sketchley.
You will need to ask a current member to propose you and another member will need to second you. If you have any questions please speak to myself, Stewart Haigh, Dawn Sketchley or any other member of the Committee.
A role on the Committee is for one year until the next AGM with committee meetings held every 4/5 weeks on the first Wednesday of the month.
Some of the Committee will be standing again for their current roles and some will be standing down so we will need someone to fill those roles.
Standing Down or volunteers needed
GP Organiser - a person to promote the GP events within the club and coordinate transport to some of the more popular ones. They may also arrange discounts for mass entries. This person also leads on choosing events for the GP series.
Social Secretary - organises our Awards Night and the catering for all Club social events.
Standing again for current roles or volunteers have come forward
Chair – chair committee meetings. Regularly attend training nights.
Secretary – formal correspondence, meetings, minutes, EA affiliation.
Treasurer – all things financial, club accounts etc.
Welfare Officer – welfare point of contact for members.
Coaching and Training Co-ordinator – coordinates all coaching activities.
Membership Secretary – point of contact for new members.
Women's Captain - organises teams for Leeds Country Way Relay, PECO, Barnsley Boundary, supports GP organiser.
Men's Captain - organises teams for Leeds Country Way Relay, PECO, Barnsley Boundary, supports GP organiser.
Kit Secretary - primary contact with our supplier. Orders medals etc for Awards Night.
Trails Organiser - organises a trail series for Club members.
Social Media, Website and Policy Officer – manages & updates club website and social media pages.
Non committee posts - volunteers have come forward
Results and Statistics Coordinators - runs the weekly results, GP leagues and statistics.
Juniors Rep - link to Ackworth Junior Road Runners.
Non committee posts - volunteers needed
Handicap Series Coordinator - organises the handicap events.
Club Races Coordinators (Open Events) - organises the Priory 10k and Ken Bingley 10k.
See you at the AGM
Chris Taylor - Chair